Sassie and brother Barry in the pool

Loving life

Everyone loves the playground

Arrhhh where do we sleep??

Charli and Barry, half brother and sister. Stevie is their dad.

Brodie asleep on Stacey

Sassie loves going away in the caravan!


Mavis you will get square eyes

My dad always gets on the floor and plays with the dogs

Would you like a scottie Lynne?

Baby Barry asleep on Linc

Lynne having a rest after a hard day painting

Stevie isn’t much help renovating

Linc says come on mum I’m feeling a little tense.

Linc and the scotties all playing

Tattoo, Lucy and Lincoln

Smiles alround

Mavis always watching

Stevie the tradie!

McGregor and Tattoo have their beds mixed up.

Keeping cool at shows.

Dobes and the Scotties taking over the couch

Mavis and Brodie watching Scottie Knopa win Best in Show at Crufts live 2015

Mavis trying to kill a wolf on Game of Thrones